Nature and environment

Use of beneficial insects - natural prevention instead of use of chemicals

Our greatest wish and declared goal is the cultivation of strawberries without the use of chemicals in order to minimize the impact on plants, fruit and the environment. To this end, we effectively use beneficial insects for pest control according to a fixed annual plan.

For example, we use ichneumon wasps and predatory mites to control pests such as aphids, spider mites and white flies.

Please watch this small example in the following movie:

Flower strips

Perennial flower strips on the tunnel provide numerous insects and birds with rich food and shelter and contribute to the natural pollination of our strawberry flowers by wild bees. The flower strip also provides a home for beneficial insects that contribute to the biological control of adjacent crops and our tunnels.

Insect hotels

For the sake of nature, we have set up several insect hotels in the vicinity of our tunnels. These really meaningful, but also chic insect hotels were planned in cooperation with the Sonnenhof team and lovingly handcrafted by them.

As part of our social commitment, we have been supporting the charitable work of the Lebens- und Arbeitsgemeinschaft Sonnenhof e.V. for more than 20 years.

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Tel.: +49 4435 97118 10 · Fax: +49 4435 97118 55
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